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Discussion Guide

Book Clubs and educators might benefit from the following questions in extending the discussions raised in the book:

On the Public Policy section:

  • Blair makes the point that if viewed in economic terms, diversity in corporate hiring would advance more effectively if viewed as a supply problem instead of just a demand problem. Do you agree with that framing? How would viewing the problem in that light lead to different policies and programs?

  • Blair feels the phrase “people of color” implicitly reinforces the racist construct of “white purity.” Is there a better way to refer to people across ethnicities that doesn’t separate one group from all the rest?

On the Politically Incorrect section:

  • In the Arts, what is the line between appropriation and influence? Are there artistic styles that should be off limits to other artists based on their ethnicity?

  • Is the historical quest for building empires through military force unique to European-based cultures? How do the historical empires of Africa, Asia and South America differ from those of Europe?

On the Endgame section:

  • Are policies based on financial and class disadvantage more or less effective than those based on race? Is there a difference between short-term effectiveness and long-term effectiveness?

  • Will the growing diversity of the American population hurt or help racial equality going forward? Will it make the traditional majority more open to change or more resistant to it?

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