About the Author
Donald Blair makes no claim to any academic or professional credential in sociology, political science, or law. That is, in fact, why he chose to write this book. “The view from ‘regular people’ is often lost in the exchange between experts and pundits on every side,” Blair explained. “My background, while unremarkable, naturally required professional and personal connections with people of different histories and perspectives. These everyday experiences reinforce the missed opportunities and misunderstandings that hold us back.”
This work resulted from a combination of optimism for the future and frustration with how those who should be leading us to true progress cling to misguided ideologies. Too often, people come to the topic of racial justice with another agenda, be it notoriety, political office, or some other form of personal gain. The use of Donald Blair as a pen name is meant to eliminate any agenda other than advancing a crucial discussion with a forthright and hopefully thoughtful perspective. “I can’t escape seeing issues through the lens of my majority status,” says Blair, “but by sharing it honestly, I hope to join those trying to build a bridge rather than a wall.”